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Keeping Track Of Store Coupon Policies

Knowing store coupon policies for the best savings.

If you purchase groceries at a local store, it is very likely that they have store coupon policies (written policy) that is updated on a regular basis regarding the use of coupons. It is to your advantage to obtain an updated copy of the stores coupon policies at least yearly. Doing so will save time at the checkout counter, and will save you from embarrassment in a long checkout line if the coupon policy has changed.

It’s always a good idea to develop positive relationships with cashiers and customer service representatives at your local store. Being respectful and aware of coupon policies is one way to do that.

Where To Find Coupon Policy Updates

If the store where you regularly purchase has an online website, you can sometimes find the location of their latest coupon policy listed there. You can also find a printout of the terms for a couponing policy on your favorite coupon websites that target specific stores.

If your local store is a small one, they may not have an online website or established place to find a coupon policy. In that case, you can request one at the customer service desk.

Coupon Policies At A New Store

New stores are opening every day, and every coupon policy is different. If you are shopping at a new store, the first thing you will want to ask is if the store accepts coupons. You may be surprised at the response! Not every store advertises that they accept discount coupons on their store circular, even though they do. There are even some dollar stores that accept manufacturer coupons, bringing the price of some items next to nothing.

The new store may also have a bin or desk where they keep store coupons or advertisements about special savings. You’ll never know until you ask. New cashiers are often not aware of some of the store coupon policies. To save time, you may want to keep a copy of their written policy when you shop for bargains.

Manufacturer Coupon Policies

Store coupon policies are one thing; manufacturer coupon policies are usually more stringent. They are often governed by state law. That means if you repeatedly ignore manufacturer coupon policies, you may be subject to a fine or penalty.

Pay attention to the specific terms that are listed on the coupon itself. This is true even if you use printable coupons for online deals. Some of the terms you should be aware of are as follows:

  • Coupon expiration date
  • Coupon not subject to doubling
  • Coupon must be for the specific item listed
  • One coupon per purchase
  • Not to be combined with any other coupon

Never try to use expired coupons or coupons for groceries you have not purchased. Circular coupons are void if they are copied or reproduced. Printable coupons that you obtain to save money will usually come with a copy limit that you should heed as well.

Remember that your store retailer is the middleman between you and the manufacturer. Since the store has to present your coupon for reimbursement on the bargains they gave you, it’s important to follow the law, for their benefit as well as yours.

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